Thursday, July 17, 2014

One Month In

One month ago today, after staying with Craig's parents for a few days while waiting on our stuff to arrive (which I'm currently having nightmares about - the waiting on our stuff part)' we moved into our house.

Granted, we didn't have much to move. Two air mattresses, some bedding, some towels, some borrowed housewares and a folding card table and chairs was the extent of it. I hope to never forget the first few nights here. Pizza on paper plates and coke from red Solo cups, blankets on the living room floor, in front of our huge picture window that looks out on the lake. I remember Friday night, Alex and Craig and I on the floor, listening to the radio, and counting lightening bugs through the window. That was my first time ever seeing them.

The transition here has had a few surprises, but we are all adjusting well.

I love how much we are outside. Whether it's just walking around our 2.5 acres (we think we will eventually stop saying "can you believe this is ours?" but I don't honestly expect that to happen soon,) or canoeing or bike riding, we are outside. Weekends, especially. There is a lot of work to do every weekend, picking up fallen branches, ant patrol (our 2.5 acres is, essentially, on an ant mound,) and catching up on long neglected maintenance to the house.) And we go downtown, which is small, and we park and walk to the farmers' market, the meat shop, the bank, to lunch, and to whatever else we want to do. We ride around the lake, walk around the lake, and stop at Craig's folks' house to enjoy "happy hour" on the deck with them. I absolutely love it.

But I am certainly missing things about Las Vegas.

I miss our friends, first and foremost. We've been out here, and have begun to make some friends, and I'm sure as time passes, we'll make more and develop the bonds we are missing.

On a smaller scale. I miss my grocery stores. I miss Trader Joe's. I miss Las Vegas radio stations. I miss Mark & Mercedes in the Morning. The radio stations here are all . . . Weird. And the djs here are horrible. I've been listening to my old Vegas station on my phone, and I'm thankful for that. I miss dryness, somewhat. I miss dry sheets and towels. I miss good hair. I don't miss scaly legs. I love the way my skin feels. I miss accessibility to everything. I'm in the market for a new laptop. I can either go to Fargo or the cities, or order one online. That's a new experience for me!

But I love the people here. I love our neighbors, I love our slower pace of life (which will change when school starts for both Joey and I, I'm sure) I love the little town, and how it has (nearly) everything we need. I love living with my husband. I love SeƱor Patrons and Bemidji Brewing and spins around Lake Movil in our canoe.

I love it here.

But I do wish my towel would dry. And a few less mosquitoes would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear you are settling in and loving it (even with all the adjustments)!
